Frequently Asked Questions About FUE Hair Transplants

Follicular Unit Extraction (FUE) is a safe and less invasive hair transplant method for treating hair loss. In this procedure, hair follicles from the area are extracted and transplanted to the recipient area. The FUE procedure results in minimal scarring and is the most popular technique. However, it recovers faster than other procedures, such as follicular unit transplantation (FUT), shares hair transplant surgeon Dr. Urvashi Chandra, practising at Chandra Clinic. She is popularly known for offering the
 best hair Transplants in Delhi.

FUE is ideal for mild to moderate hair loss and provides natural, long-lasting results. For those with severe hair loss, numerous sessions may be necessary. It is a standard procedure for hair transplantation and is widely recognised as a feasible alternative for restoring lost hair on the head.

In general, FUE hair transplantation is considered superior to other methods. If you are interested in this procedure, this blog will help you by answering the most commonly asked questions about hair transplants.

Learn answers to our most frequently asked questions regarding FUE.

1. Who can get a FUE hair transplant?

Like any medical procedure, a FUE hair transplant requires an extensive consultation with a skilled hair transplant doctor to determine patient eligibility. It is crucial to realise that only some are good candidates for FUE or any other type of hair transplant.

Typically, FUE hair transplants provide the best results in men and women with mild to moderate thinning or recession. Severe thinning and baldness may be acceptable for FUE hair transplantation, depending on donor area compatibility and the possibility that the treatment will improve the patient’s hair and quality of life.

The doctor can determine the suitability for a FUE hair transplant during the hair transplant by examining medical history, current medications, and hair loss progression.

2. Am I the right candidate for FUE hair transplant surgery?

Anyone suffering from hair loss, whether due to heredity or stress, is an ideal candidate for this treatment. Those in the early phases of hair loss respond better to treatment; however, results vary by patient. PRP can reduce the rate of hair loss by allowing new hair to grow thicker, improving scalp health, and promoting healing and growth following a hair transplant.

3. How long does the result last?

After a FUE hair transplant in Delhi, the transplanted hair is permanent. The grafted hairs do not fall out, so the concern is not for their longevity. However, if the problem of hair loss is not addressed, the natural hairs around the grafted hairs may continue to fall, making that area appear thin in the future. Everyone’s hair loss journey is unique, and it is addressed accordingly. The doctors will carefully arrange pre- and post-hair transplant treatment, considering any factors contributing to hair loss, such as genetics, medical problems, nutrition, lifestyle, and hair-loss history.

4. Why should an individual consider a FUE hair transplant?

FUE hair transplants boost the quantity of hair. It is the ultimate treatment for thinning or balding hair. Hair is typically extracted from thicker areas and transplanted onto the thinning area. It serves as a means of restoration. FUE hair transplants are more effective than hair restoration solutions and other surgical procedures. Hair transplant surgery is more valuable when done by a professional hair transplant doctor. As a result, it is the perfect option for achieving natural-looking hair. FUE-transplanted hair has a natural appearance and growth. Hair professionals who perform the surgical treatment take all essential procedures to ensure their clients’ safety.

5. What is the cost of hair transplant surgery in Delhi?

FUE Hair Transplant Cost in Delhi ranges from Rs. 30,000 to Rs. 2,40,000. One must note that this is just an estimated cost. It will vary from patient to patient. Consult a hair transplant surgeon for more details.

6. Is hair transplant painful?

A FUE hair transplant is an invasive surgical treatment, yet most patients tolerate it well. Before commencing the hair transplant, local anaesthesia is injected to ensure that the area is entirely numb during the surgery. The patient is regularly checked to verify that they are not in discomfort, and extra measures may be adopted as directed by the doctor. Patients typically feel pressure and movement but no discomfort and may fall asleep during the procedure.

7. What follow-up procedures should I expect after a FUE hair transplant?

Patients frequently have follow-up appointments after receiving a FUE hair transplant. A good hair transplant provides favourable results because it promotes optimal recovery. The follow-up procedures could include the following:

Immediate post-operative check-up: This often occurs one day following surgery. The clinic staff will examine the graft area, remove the bandages, and clean the scalp. They will also offer patient-specific instructions for post-operative care and any drugs or supplies that must be used at home.
Regular follow-up appointments: Patients should plan appointments with their surgeon or clinic. These appointments are scheduled at particular intervals following the procedure, such as one month, three months, six months, and one year. These consultations allow the surgeon to monitor the status of the transplanted hair, ensuring adequate healing and hair growth.
Additional treatments: The surgeon can suggest if the patient requires more than one hair transplant session to achieve the desired results. In addition to the sessions, the doctor can recommend other supportive treatments. These suggestions may include PRP (platelet-rich plasma) therapy to promote hair growth.
Long-term follow-ups: Appointments can be scheduled according to the patient’s needs and preferences. This ensures the continuous success of the Hair Transplant in Delhi and resolves any concerns.

Hair transplant is a life-changing treatment, and Dr. Urvashi Chandra at Chandra Clinic can help you reap its benefits. With her expertise in hair transplantation, she has helped many people. Contact her now for more details!


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