
Showing posts from December, 2022

Hair Transplantation In Males - What One Needs To Know

Hiding bald scalp with hats or artificial wigs and don’t want that look for a lifetime? No worries, go ahead with hair transplant- a natural permanent hair restoration solution that can let one have a head full of natural hair! Statistical studies have revealed that men lose their hair at an alarming rate than women. They mostly struggle with pattern baldness caused when dihydrotestosterone- a modified form of testosterone, attacks the hair follicles of the scalp. Hair loss can happen due to many factors including stress and intake of certain drugs such as those prescribed for arthritis, heart issues, cancer, hypertension, and depression. Hair transplant surgery in Delhi performed at Chandra Clinic is the most effective treatment for hair loss. But it’s not for everyone and a lot must be known to the client before undergoing it. With that in mind, continue reading to be aware of everything that one must know about hair transplants in men with the information shared by hair loss and ha