
Showing posts from March, 2023

Best Hair Transplant in Delhi - Is hair transplant painful?

Hair loss is a common problem that affects millions of people worldwide. One of the biggest concerns that many people have when considering hair transplant surgery is whether it is painful.  In this blog, Dr. Urvashi Chandra, who performs hair Transplant in Delhi at Chandra Clinic, will answer this question and provide some insights into what one can expect during and after a hair transplant procedure. Hair Transplant is a Minimally Invasive Surgery Firstly, it's important to understand that hair transplant surgery is a minimally invasive procedure that is typically performed under local anaesthesia. This means that one will be awake during the procedure, but the area around the scalp will be numb so that one cannot feel any pain. The anaesthesia is administered through injections into the scalp, and most people experience only mild discomfort during this process. It is Procedure of Hair Grafting During the procedure, the surgeon will remove small groups of hair follicles from a d

Best Hair Transplant in Delhi - Chandra Clinic

Many people are unable to get the desired outcomes from various non-invasive hair restoration treatments. As a result, many desperate people go to the next level of surgical procedures for a hair transplant. But only a few of them qualify to regain their natural hair through this procedure.  In this blog, Dr. Urvashi Chandra- the best hair transplant surgeon in Delhi performing various hair restoration treatments at Chandra Clinic, will discuss the factors determining one's hair restoration eligibility. So keep it intact till the end, and learn about who is an ideal candidate for a hair transplant! Type of Hair Loss Hair loss is widespread, from partial baldness to complete baldness. Many people experience hair loss from their crown, hairline, two third portion, or complete baldness. Meanwhile, some may experience insufficient hair loss in patches.  A hair transplant is best suitable for a scalp in full or patch with an adequate amount of baldness. As a result, someone with insuff

Does FUE Hair Transplant Surgery Leave Scars?

Does FUE hair transplantation result in scarring? The straightforward response to this question is "yes." All of today's methods for surgically restoring hair loss do. On the other hand, a hair transplant that has been methodically prepared ought to guarantee that no scar can be seen by the naked eye. A hair transplant's success depends on the surgeon's expertise in performing the procedure. Read on to learn about the potential appearance of these FUE scars, their potential severity, and how one can lessen the likelihood that one will see any scarring resulting from the operation. In this blog, dermatologists at Chandra Clinic and experts in FUE hair transplant in Delhi talk about the procedure in detail.  Does an FUE Hair Transplant Leave Scars? Improving the appearance and restoring one's self-esteem are always positive outcomes of surgery, but there is also the risk of scarring and a lengthy recovery period. There will be some scarring after an FUE hair t

Body Hair Transplant in Delhi - Treatments, Benefits, risk and factors affecting the cost

Body hair transplant, also known as body hair restoration or body hair to scalp transplant, is a procedure that involves transplanting hair from different parts of the body to the scalp. The procedure is typically used for patients with insufficient scalp hair to cover bald spots or thinning areas. In this article, Dr. Urvashi Chandra will discuss the treatments, benefits, risks, and factors affecting the cost of body hair transplants in Delhi . So read the post carefully. Body Hair Transplant Treatment The body hair transplant procedure is similar to the conventional hair transplant procedure. However, in body hair transplants, hair is extracted from other parts of the body, such as the chest, back, legs, and arms. The extracted hair is then transplanted to the scalp, where the hair growth is thin or nonexistent. Primarily, there are two methods of body hair transplantation. These are:- Follicular Unit Extraction (FUE) FUE is a minimally invasive hair transplant method that involves e

What is FUE Hair Transplant? Benefits, Procedure and Price

Follicular Unit Extraction, or FUE, is a hair transplant method that extracts individual hair follicles from the donor area for use in thinning or balding regions of the scalp. Unlike the more common Follicular Unit Transplant (FUT) method, this doesn't require removing any healthy tissue. The FUE hair transplant method is highly regarded as a successful hair regrowth method. FUE hair transplant in Delhi is performed at Chandra Hair Clinic, where experts have extensive experience in the field and use cutting-edge techniques. In this blog, the surgeons discuss the pros of FUE hair transplantation, explain the procedure, and discuss various factors that result in fluctuations in the cost of the treatment.  Advantages of FUE Hair Transplant The FUE hair transplant method is a minimally invasive technique with several advantages, including the growth of thick, healthy hair. The various benefits include:  As FUE targets the individual hair follicles rather than the surrounding tissue,

Understanding Hair Transplant in Delhi - What it is and How it Works?

  What comes to mind when one thinks of the term “hair transplant”? Is it locks of transplanted hair that does not match the natural hair around them? Wondering how hair transplants work and if they are an effective option for treating hair loss? If so, one will be surprised to know that hair transplants have come a long way from the days when they were called “hair plugs.” Now they can provide one with a fuller head of natural hair. In this article, Dr. Urvashi Chandra, a leading hair transplant surgeon in Delhi at Chandra Clinic, Best Hair Transplant Clinic in Delhi, discusses hair transplant and its procedures in detail. Keep reading to learn more. What is a Hair Transplant?  A hair transplant is a surgical procedure where hair is taken from an area of the scalp affected by baldness and grafted into areas with thin or no hair. A hair transplant surgery offers permanent hair restoration results for individuals having male pattern baldness. It is an effective option to consider after